7:00 (3)

There are still some slots available for our Youth Fitness class at the Q-house!
Class starts today April 12 from 7:00 Pm to 7:45 Pm and it lasts 5 weeks.
This class is open for kids aged 7 to 12 years old.
Click here to register
If you have trouble registering please contact our front desk
at 203-773-0770 or email us at qhouse@leapforkids.org
Participants that are 16 and older will also be required to be fully vaccinated (but not boosted) and they will be asked to send a picture of their vaccination card to QHouseForms@leapforkids.org 
If you have a medical/religious exemption you will be asked to provide proof of it.
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New Haven – Mayor Toni N. Harp will hold a ‘mayor’s night out’ tomorrow evening, Wednesday, July 19, at the Columbus School – 255 Blatchley Ave, New Haven – from 7:00 until 8:00 p.m.


Mayor Harp will be available to meet with residents during these public ‘office hours’ – residents are invited to ask questions, make suggestions, and otherwise address matters pertaining to New Haven and its governance.


The timing of this session is particularly important as New Haven begins its fiscal year this month without the benefit of an approved state budget. Residents’ questions and comments will be addressed on a first come, first served basis. No advance reservations or appointments are required or necessary

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New Haven – Mayor Toni N. Harp will host a ‘mayor’s night in’ from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at City Hall.


Mayor Harp will be available for these public ‘office hours’ during which residents are invited to ask questions, make suggestions, and otherwise address matters pertaining to New Haven and its governance.


Residents’ questions and comments will be addresses on a first come, first served basis. No advance reservations or appointments are required or necessary.


News outlets are encouraged to help notify city residents ahead-of-time about the plan for this event; likewise, members of the press are invited to attend and cover tomorrow’s proceedings as well.


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