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Sure, she’s beautiful. Hell, we see that daily on “The Young and the Restless” where she stars as Leslie Michaelson. But this isn’t new as we’ve had a thing for actress Angell Conwell from the moment she initially stepped into our adult consciousness and refused to leave after her sexy turns in Baby Boy and The Wash. But don’t think for a minute that the South Carolina is relatively new to the scene, as she has been putting in serious work over the years. Don’t believe me?  Then scroll back through your mental rolodex to a little show called “Dave’s World,” where Conwell successfully starred for 3 seasons. (yeah, I’m guilty … I watched it too.) to read more http://rollingout.com/photos/celebrity-photos-photos/yr-star-angell-conwell-shoots-for-rolling-out-exclusive-photos/



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