Library (2)

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Apply for a grant between $500 - $5,000

In partnership with the City of New Haven's Department of Arts, Culture & Tourism with funding from the American Rescue Plan Act, the New Haven Free Public Library will be facilitating the distribution of grants to New Haven artists and creative organizations.

Applications will be reviewed by a community panel monthly until June 1, 2022 or until all funds are awarded.

Who Can Apply?

  • Individuals who live in New Haven and identify as an artist/creative
  • Organizations (nonprofit or for-profit) that are located in New Haven, have a history of cultural programming, and less than a $500K annual operating budget

Project Guidelines:

  • Community events, projects, or programs
  • Located in the City of New Haven
  • Focus on arts, culture, or creativity
  • Happening before September 2022
  • Free or low cost to attend or participate

Applicants of color or organizations serving people of color are strongly encouraged to apply.

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